English Corpora
- English Corpora(link: https://www.english-corpora.org/corpora.asp)
English Corpora are considered the most widely-used corpora currently available. The corpora were created and compiled by Mark Davies, Professor of Linguistics at Brigham Young University. The corpora contain 16 corpora with billions of words of data in American English and British English collected from various genres. The three corpus included in English Corpora: Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) and British National Corpus (BNC), are widely-used in the study of language. For more detailed information, please refer to the Appendix I. - Each user will have more queries per day: 200 for students (compared to the normal limit of 50) and 400 for faculty (compared to the normal limit of 200).
Most importantly, the normal daily limit of queries (250) for a class or department is waived, so that the corpora can be used as an integral part of classroom activities.
Instructions for registration can be found in the Appendix II. - For other information, please refer to the Appendix III.Appendix I, II, III: