English Corpora、Word Sketch Engine語料庫

  1. English Corpora 簡介(連結 link: https://www.english-corpora.org/corpora.asp
    English Corpora 為楊百翰大學(Brigham Young University)語料庫語言學教授馬克戴維斯(Mark Davies)創建的語料庫,收錄多個不同體裁之英式與美式英語之大量語料庫,其中 Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)、Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) 以及 British National Corpus (BNC) 為目前英美語相關研究最具代表性且最常使用之語料庫,其收錄語料類型及相關詳細資訊請見附件(一)。
    English Corpora are considered the most widely-used corpora currently available. The corpora were created and compiled by Mark Davies, Professor of Linguistics at Brigham Young University. The corpora contain 16 corpora with billions of words of data in American English and British English collected from various genres. The three corpus included in English Corpora: Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) and British National Corpus (BNC), are widely-used in the study of language. For more detailed information, please refer to the Appendix I.
  2. 註冊資訊
    目前政大已購買 3 年(2026/3/19 到期)的 English Corpora,只要是政大師生,這 3 年內皆可使用,為方便控管,目前的設定是認學校 IP,請大家目前先在校內範圍使用,謝謝。註冊步驟與說明請見附件(二)。
    A three-year academic license has been purchased for NCCU students and faculty members (Expires 3/19/2026). Each user will have more queries per day: 200 for students (compared to the normal limit of 50) and 400 for faculty (compared to the normal limit of 200). Most importantly, the normal daily limit of queries (250) for a class or department is waived, so that the corpora can be used as an integral part of classroom activities. Instructions for registration can be found in the Appendix II.
  3. English Corpora 使用說明請見附件(三)
    For other information, please refer to the Appendix III.附件()()() / Appendix I, II, III:

    本院已透過代理商購買語料庫系統Word Sketch Engine,自即日起提供給本院師生使用。

    以下為Word Sketch Engine的相關資訊:
    Word Sketch Engine是由語料庫學者Adam Kilgarriff所開發的語料庫系統,除了中、英文之外,亦與日文、韓文、阿拉伯文、法文、西班牙文、俄文等14種語言的語料庫串聯互通。


    本次特別邀請本校英語系的博士後研究員施孟賢博士為Word Sketch Engine錄製示範影片,請大家跟著施博士的示範影片操作即可。

    Word Sketch Engine首頁:http://www.sketchengine.co.uk
    Word Sketch Engine示範影片:https://youtu.be/aHG0CB4rd-s